Assessing the Cybersecurity of New or Existing IACS Systems (IC33)

Wie können Cybersichherheitsschwachstellen in ihrem System und Design identifiziert werden? In der ersten Phase im IACS Cybersecurity Lifecycle geht es darum, betroffene Unternehmens- und Analgeteile zu identifizieren und zu dokumentieren sowie eine Schwachstellen- und Risikobewertung im Bereich der Cybersicherheit durchzuführen. In unserem Seminar lernen Sie, wie Sie neue oder bestehende Systeme bezüglich ihrer Cybersicherheit analysieren können. Zudem wird Ihnen gezeigt, wie Sie eine entsprechende Cybersecurity Requirements Specification (CRS) entwicklen. 

ISA 62443
Sicherheitszonen, Risikoanalyse, ISA 62443, Weiterbildung
© iStock

The first phase in the IACS Cybersecurity Lifecycle (defined in ISA 62443-1-1) is to identify and document IACS assets and perform a cybersecurity vulnerability and risk assessment in order to identify and understand the high-risk vulnerabilities that require mitigation.  Per ISA 62443-2-1 these assessments need to be performed on both new (i.e. greenfield) and existing (i.e. brownfield) applications. Part of the assessment process involves developing a zone and conduit model of the system, identifying security level targets, and documenting the cybersecurity requirements into a cybersecurity requirements specification (CRS).

This course will provide students with the information and skills to assess the cybersecurity of a new or existing IACS and to develop a cybersecurity requirements specification that can be used to document the cybersecurity requirements the project.

You Will Be Able to:

  • Identify and document the scope of the IACS under assessment
  • Specify, gather or generate the cybersecurity information required to perform the assessment
  • Identify or discover cybersecurity vulnerabilities inherent in the IACS products or system design
  • Organize and facilitate a cybersecurity risk assessment for an IACS
  • Identify and evaluate realistic threat scenarios
  • Identify gaps in existing policies, procedures and standards
  • Establish and document security zones and conduits
  • Prepare documentation of assessment results
Type of event
Dates, registration deadline and location
  • neue Termine in Kürze
Length 3 days

Control Systems engineers and managers

System integrators

IT engineers and managers industrial facilities

IT corporate/security professionals

Plant Safety and Risk Management


Classroom/ Labratory Exercises:

Critiquing system architecture diagrams

Asset Inventory

Gap Assessment

Windows Vulnerability Assessment

Capturing Ethernet Traffic

Port Scanning

Using Vulnerability Scanning Tools

Perform a high-level risk assessment

Creating a zone & conduit diagram

Perform a detailed cyber risk assessment

Critiquing a cybersecurity requirements specification

  • Sie lernen die Grundlagen der Risikoanalyse nach IEC 62443 kennen.
  • Sie erhalten einen Überblick über Best Practices im Bereich Sicherheit und Risikoanalyse für industrielle Produktionsanlagen.
  • Sie können erste Konzepte auf Ihre Automatisierungsanlage anwenden.
  • Diskussionen mit Trainer und Teilnehmenden zur Vertiefung der Inhalte.



Dr.-Ing. Christian Haas

M.Sc. David Meier